The Ecosystem Services Toolkit is a technical guide to ecosystem services assessment and analysis that offers practical, step-by-step guidance for governments at all levels, as well as for consultants and researchers. The approach is fully interdisciplinary, integrating biophysical sciences, social sciences, economics, and traditional and practitioner knowledge. It provides guidance on how to consider and incorporate ecosystem services analysis in a variety of different policy contexts such as spatial planning, environmental assessment, and wildlife management, among others. It contains numerous innovative tools and resources designed to enhance users’ understanding of ecosystem services and to support analysis and decision-making. Canadian examples are featured throughout the guide.
Category Archives: Education & Professional Development
Video simplifying the idea of ecosystem services
Quoted from YouTube:
The Ecosystem Services concept is a powerful tool for the protection of the environment that is still in it’s early stages of implementation. In this video we offer an example of where it has worked extremely well.
Valuing Nature Network event
The Valuing Nature Network (VNN) hosted their event ‘Valuing Nature: Bringing the environment into economic decision-making’ on March 19, 2013. The event highlighted VNN’s successes and offered insight into the partnerships between academia, policy and business including the benefits of working across academic disciplines. Powerpoint presentations from the event are available for download.
Valuing Nature Network’s March 19, 2013 event
Valuing Nature Network brings together natural science research and economics into government and business sector decision-making.
Webinars on Ecosystem Services hosted by Yale University
For anyone who is interested in webinars on ecosystem services, The Center for Business and the Environment (CBEY) at Yale University hosts Nature’s Returns: Investing in Ecosystem Services. The series focuses on the importance of ecosystem service valuation and investment, and discusses ecosystem services projects, the people involved in the profession and desirable skills, and the obstacles and opportunities for ecosystem services.
For updates on future webinars, you can also sign up for their email list. Webinars from the 2011-2012 series are also available for free on iTunes.