The manual provides technical guidance for implementing the natural heritage policies of Ontario’s Provincial Policy Statement (PPS), 2005, specifically the recommended technical criteria and approaches for being consistent with the PPS in protecting natural heritage features, areas, and systems. In addition to providing details of the PPS policies, the manual describes each of the natural heritage features and areas identified in PPS policies including identification and evaluation procedures, discusses municipal planning techniques and tools to consider when establishing protection approaches, and provides guidance for assessing the potential impacts of development and site alteration on natural heritage features and lands and performance indicators.
Author Archives: Jennifer Wang
Great Lakes Conservation Blueprint for Aquatic and Terrestrial BIodiversity
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the Nature Conservancy of Canada collaborated on the Conservation Blueprint for Biodiversity, a shared vision for natural heritage conservation in the Great Lakes region. The Conservation Blueprint assembles, catalogues, classifies, maps and analyzes the aquatic and terrestrial biodiversity in the Great Lakes region, and identifies high quality aquatic and terrestrial areas that can support a broad range of natural biodiversity. Summary reports of the tertiary watersheds and eco-districts include data and maps.
Province of Ontario: Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity Analysis
The Ecological Footprint is a tool that assesses the demand for natural resources and provides information on whether our collective consumption levels are approaching or exceeding the Earth’s ecological limits. It can be directly compared to biocapacity, a metric that accounts for available resource supply of specific products (food, fibre, timber and carbon storage) that are provided by ecosystems. The Ecological Footprint and biocapacity provide a partial ecological balance sheet for the world. This report calculates humanity’s and Canada’s Ecological Footprint, as well as the Ecological Footprint and biocapacity of Ontario.
Estimating Ecosystem Services in Southern Ontario
This study uses a spatially explicit ecosystem service valuation technique to estimate ecosystem service values and geographic variation in the values for southern Ontario. It also discusses the current challenges with research in ecosystem services valuation and how ecosystem services could support decision-making in policy and planning.
Assessing the Economic Value of Protecting the Great Lakes: A Cost-benefit Analysis of Habitat Protection and Restoration
This study provides information on the magnitude of the economic benefits from the habitats of the Great Lakes basin ecosystem. A total economic valuation (TEV) framework is used to undertake a cost-benefit analysis of two intervention strategies – wetland protection and restoration – aimed at protecting and restoring habitats. The costs and benefits of these habitats and the intervention strategies are estimated for Credit River – 16 Mile Creek, the Toronto Area and Prince Edward Bay.
(Note: Click on “Assessing the Economic value of Protecting the Great Lakes Ecosystem” to be directed to the document)
Assessing the Economic Value of Protecting the Great Lakes: Rouge River Case Study for Nutrient Reduction and Nearshore Health Protection
This study undertakes an economic welfare analysis using a cost-benefit framework that assesses the total impacts to societal welfare. Using the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority’s Rouge River Watershed: Scenario Modeling and Analysis Report, 2007 as a case study and a total economic value (TEV) framework as the valuation approach, the costs and benefits of two future land development scenarios – sustainable communities and full build-out – are analyzed. These results are extrapolated to the Golden Horseshoe area and then used to estimate the impacts of the two development scenarios on Lake Ontario.
(Note: Click on “Assessing the Economic value of Protecting the Great Lakes Ecosystem” to be directed to the document)
Assessing the Economic Value of Protecting the Great Lakes: Invasive Species Prevention and Mitigation
This report analyzes the economic value of protecting the Great Lakes by preventing the establishment of aquatic invasive species that are a threat to the Great Lakes ecosystem. In order to understand the magnitude of the impacts of invasion relative to the costs of preventative measures, the report uses cases studies to examine the costs of invasion due to zebra mussels and the costs of prevention for Asian Carp. The study uses an analysis of economic welfare to evaluate the costs and benefits that accrue to stakeholders as a whole.
(Note: Click on “Assessing the Economic value of Protecting the Great Lakes Ecosystem” to be directed to the document)
Economic Value of Protecting the Great Lakes: Literature Review Report
This review of the literature on the economic value of the goods and services provided by the Great Lakes includes the direct, indirect, option and non-use values associated with Great Lakes protection. The report discusses the main stressors to the Great Lakes ecosystem, contextualizes the value estimates by reviewing cost benefit analyses, and summarizes economic valuation data.
(Note: Click on “Assessing the Economic value of Protecting the Great Lakes Ecosystem” to be directed to the document)
Measuring Unpriced Values: An Economic Perspective and Annotated Bibliography for Ontario
The report addresses how economists deal with society’s preference for unpriced values and describes several approaches to valuing unpriced goods and services. Included in the report is a discussion of economic theory for cost-benefit analyses with respect to unpriced values, identification of value categories and a summary of unpriced values studies that were undertaken in Ontario. The report also considers issues relevant to future unpriced valuation studies in forestry.
Running Through our Fingers: How Canada fails to capture the full value of its top asset
The Blue Economy Initiative seeks to draw attention to the connection between water and the economy. Running Through our Fingers revisits economist Andrew Muller’s 1985 analyses and estimates for the value of water’s contribution to Canada’s economy. The report highlights the importance of water to the economy, the limited information available for determining water’s value with respect to economic activities and in its natural state, and provides suggestions to address the gaps in available information.