Many ONES members will be attending the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics (CANSEE) conference, Sustaining the Commons: Ideas and Actions for a Green Economy, at York University in Toronto, from October 31-November 2.
The conference will feature many topics and issues within ecological economics, including the assessment of ecosystem services. Speakers include ONES members Tatiana Koveshnikova, Jeff J Wilson, and Eric Miller. Some specific presentations of potential interest to ONES members include:
Session C: Community level sustainability (Fri Nov 1 @ 10:45AM)
“Understanding social values of ecosystem services through perceptions at the community level in the Rio Tapajajos region in the Brazilian Amazon” by Stephane Tremblay, Universite de Quebec a Montreal
“Valuing the Aquatic Benefits of BC’s Lower Mainland” Michelle Molnar, David Suzuki Foundation
“Measuring Environmental Impact at the Neighbourhood Level” Jeff Wilson (a different Jeff Wilson from the ONES member Jeff J Wilson), Dalhousie University
Session D: Sustaining the Commons (Fri Nov 1 @ 10:45AM)
“From Watersheds to Well-being: A preliminary look at ecosystem based indicators of well-being and their applications” Alexandra Belaskie & Julie Mallette, York University
Session H: Ecosystem Services Valuation (Fri Nov 1 @ 3PM)
“Valuation of Ecosystem Services: to Value or Not to Value” Maria Nijnik, Hutton Institute, UK
“Value Lost in Translation: Integrating Ecological Principles into Environmental Valuations”, Tania Briceno, Earth Economics
“Environmental Values in the Marketplace” Roger Hansell, Noble University
Session I: Towards a Green Economy (Fri Nov 1 @ 3PM)
“Green Economy Roadmap for Conservation Authorities”, Jeff J Wilson, Green Analytics (and member of ONES)
Poster Session (Fri Nov 1 @4:45)
“Green accounting as a measure of sustainability – international experiences and challenges ahead” Dr. Bedru B. Balana, The James Hutton Institute
Session L: Valuation and biodiversity (Sat Nov 2 @ 10:45AM)
“Valuing Wetlands in the Credit River Watershed: Implications for Wetland Restoration” Tatiana Koveshnikova, Credit Valley Conservation Area (and member of ONES)
“Using Contingent Valuation and Choice Experiment to Value Agricultural Beneficial Management Practices in Quebec” Jerome Dupras, Université de Montréal
Session N: National Accounts and Green Indicators (Sat Nov 2 @ 10:45AM)
“Land Accounting in Quebec: A Pilot Project for a Sub-Provincial Area” Stephanie Uhde, Quebec Institute of Statistics
“Accounting for Subsoil Mineral and Energy Resources in National Accounts” Weimin Wang and Patrick Adams, Statistics Canada
“Productivity and Natural Capital” Laurel Besco, University of Ottawa
On Sat Nov 2 at 1:15 there’s an Ivey Panel Discussion about the societal uptake of Green Fiscal measures, which is relevant to incentives and the creation of markets in the support of ecosystem services and natural capital.
Hope to see you there and then!