Tag Archives: Conference

The Ripple Effect

Forests Ontario’s Annual Conference will be held this year in Alliston, Ontario at the Nottawasaga Inn and Convention Centre on Friday, February 9th, 2018. The Annual Conference is Ontario’s largest forestry conference bringing together more than 300 attendees from Conservation Authorities, municipalities, environmental non-governmental organizations, provincial governments, as well as landowners, educators and students.

The 2018 Conference theme is “The Ripple Effect”, exploring Climate Change from a variety of different aspects. The Annual Conference is an opportunity to learn more about current issues and opportunities facing our forests. The conference also provides important networking opportunities for those owning and working in our forests, with the overall goal of increasing the awareness of the value of our forests.

Latornell Symposium

A draft program is not yet out, but the theme is:

“ecological, policy and organisational succession, and continuing contributions to knowledge. Let us explore where we have been, how that has informed who we are today, and where we are headed.”

Grey to Green

Grey to Green: Quantifying Green Infrastructure Performance

This conference is the leading forum for designers, policy makers, manufacturers, growers, landscapers, and other green infrastructure professionals to discuss the benefits of the important green infrastructure industry, and how to grow it even further.

This interdisciplinary conference explores the latest science on green infrastructure performance, economic valuation and public policy developments, new technological developments, and best practices in design, installation and maintenance. The conference also includes a trade show, cutting edge workshops which include tours of outstanding projects, and special networking events.

Latornell Symposium about Green Infrastructure

Applied in both rural and urban settings, green infrastructure supports the environment, the economy, and our quality of life in a variety of ways. Green infrastructure includes living systems such as natural areas, forests, parks, streams and riparian zones, wetlands and agricultural lands, as well as engineered facilities such as green roofs, rain gardens and stormwater ponds. It can be implemented at multiple scales including regional networks of open spaces, agricultural lands, natural areas, and through site-specific practices.

The 2016 Latornell Conservation Symposium will showcase green infrastructure, and identify how it is supported, protected, and enhanced in our watersheds. Delegates will explore its applicability and benefits in relation to important issues in Ontario such as climate change, biodiversity loss, water management, economic development, improving public health, and fostering sustainable communities.

Several members of ONES will be presenting during sessions.

Grey to Green

Grey to Green Conference 2016 includes a two full-day program with 52 presentations and panel discussions from over 60 industry experts. This conference is the leading forum for designers, policy makers, manufacturers, growers, landscapers, and more to discuss the benefits of the important green infrastructure industry, and how to grow it even further. The interdisciplinary conference will explore the latest science on green infrastructure performance, economic valuation and public policy developments, new technological developments, and best practices in design, installation and maintenance. The conference also includes a trade show, cutting edge training courses, tours of outstanding projects and networking special events.

2016 Forests Ontario Conference

The Annual Forests Ontario Conference is Ontario’s largest forestry conference. Close to 300 attendees join us every year to explore timely topics that help landowners and forestry professionals learn more about ways to manage their forests. The conference is a great networking opportunity, and an excellent time to meet those from around Ontario that are passionate about our forests.

Save the date! The 2016 Forests Ontario Conference will be taking place on Friday, February 5th at the Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston. Information about the 2016 Annual Conference will be posted in Fall 2016.

Natural Capital: Its Significance to Business & Society At Large

Please join The University of Toronto’s School of the Environment’s Environmental Finance Advisory Committee on June 4, 2015 at the offices of Torys LLP for “Natural Capital: Its Significance to Business & Society At Large”

Natural Capital is an emerging topic gaining great interest with the business and accounting communities. The academic community has long advocated that society is not according appropriate value to the wide range of ecological goods and services provided by Nature – services such as water regulation, air quality, carbon storage, habitat, and food production, among many others. This seminar is designed to give a broad overview of the many types of goods and services provided by Nature and approaches to placing a financial value on them.

Innovative approaches to financially valuing the natural world is already underway and affecting the way that many businesses manage their supply chains and create social license to conduct their operations. It is hoped that by establishing more formal ways to both holistically value and account for Nature’s services, society may be better-positioned to understand the true costs and trade-offs associated with managing and sustaining so many of the world’s finite natural resources.

The Committee is delighted to announce that it has assembled thought leaders with expertise in this rapidly emerging topic.

Panel Discussion with:

Brian DePratto, Environmental Economist, TD Canada Trust

Dan Kraus, Senior Director of Conservation Program Development, The Nature Conservancy of Canada

Barb Steele, Managing Director, Natural Step

Steve Hounsell, Chair, Ontario Biodiversity Council

Moderator: Patricia A. Koval, Partner, Torys LLP

There will be a Q&A session following the presentations.

Forests Ontario Annual Conference


The 2015 Forests Ontario Conference will be taking place on Friday, February 20th at the Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston. Upwards of 300 landowners, forestry professionals, educators and those interested in the health of our forests will be exploring the theme of “One Forest”.

Our forest is one forest. The divides between urban, peri-urban, rural and remote forests are merely boundaries put in place by people. Living things do not know these boundaries, and the benefits we receive go beyond the trees that only surround us. How can we work closer together to ensure the health and prosperity of all of Ontario’s forests? It begins with seeing the forest as continuous, and that every tree in any forest has value. We will explore the interconnectedness of our landscapes and the importance of seeing Ontario’s forests as one continuous forest supporting diverse communities across the province. Topics include Heritage Trees, species migration, climate change and managing your woodlot, and UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.

Registration: Members $85
Non- Members $110
Students $35