The 2015 Forests Ontario Conference will be taking place on Friday, February 20th at the Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston. Upwards of 300 landowners, forestry professionals, educators and those interested in the health of our forests will be exploring the theme of “One Forest”.
Our forest is one forest. The divides between urban, peri-urban, rural and remote forests are merely boundaries put in place by people. Living things do not know these boundaries, and the benefits we receive go beyond the trees that only surround us. How can we work closer together to ensure the health and prosperity of all of Ontario’s forests? It begins with seeing the forest as continuous, and that every tree in any forest has value. We will explore the interconnectedness of our landscapes and the importance of seeing Ontario’s forests as one continuous forest supporting diverse communities across the province. Topics include Heritage Trees, species migration, climate change and managing your woodlot, and UNESCO Biosphere Reserves.
Registration: Members $85
Non- Members $110
Students $35