Accounting for Canada’s Natural Capital: Introducing the Natural Capital Protocol

For the past two years, the Natural Capital Coalition has worked with over 200 organizations spanning business, conservation, research, finance and policy to develop the Natural Capital Protocol. The Protocol helps businesses to identify, measure and value their impacts and dependencies on natural capital. Developing this capacity will better position businesses to respond to emerging risks as well as identify new market opportunities in a resource constrained world.

During this webinar, participants will receive an introduction to the Protocol from Mark Gough, Executive Director of the Natural Capital Coalition. Participants will learn about innovative pilot projects currently testing the Protocol and how applying the Protocol in your organization can create value and lead to stronger decision-making.

This webinar is co-hosted by the Natural Capital Lab, Deloitte, and the Natural Capital Coalition.

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About Eric Miller

I am an Ecological Economist, currently working as a consulting economist and university lecturer. Most of my career has been in the Ontario and federal public service. About half of my work these days relates to ecosystem services: communicating the concept, assessing available information, and proposing ways to integrate the concept and measurement into policies and programs. I earned an MES in Ecological Macroeconomics from York University, a BA in Economics from McMaster University and a BSc in Biology from Carleton University.

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