Category Archives: Data > Value Transfer Research & Analysis

Measuring Unpriced Values: An Economic Perspective and Annotated Bibliography for Ontario

The report addresses how economists deal with society’s preference for unpriced values and describes several approaches to valuing unpriced goods and services. Included in the report is a discussion of economic theory for cost-benefit analyses with respect to unpriced values, identification of value categories and a summary of unpriced values studies that were undertaken in Ontario. The report also considers issues relevant to future unpriced valuation studies in forestry.

A Business Case for Wetland Conservation in the The Black River Subwatershed

This report provides a strong business case for wetland retention and restoration of the Black River subwatershed of the Lake Simcoe basin through its research on the ecological values of riparian wetlands and the economic impacts from the loss of these wetlands. The authors use measurements of the water quality implications of wetland loss and restoration to estimate the economic values of these wetlands, demonstrating that wetland conservation is an economically feasible option for preventing further environmental degradation in the Black River subwatershed, Lake Simcoe and southern Ontario

Flamborough-Burlington Natural Capital: Assessment of Ecosystem Service Values

This report demonstrates the importance of the natural capital and potential ecosystem service values within the MTO West Corridor Planning Area. It provides estimated values for the natural capital of this study area including recreation, aesthetics and amenities, water supply, pollination and seeding, habitat, and regulation of gas, soil, nutrients, and disturbances.

Pimachiowin Aki World Heritage Project Area Ecosystem Services Valuation Assessment

The non-profit Pimachiowin Aki Corp. is working on establishing a World Heritage Site in an intact boreal forest on the Ontario-Manitoba border and commissioned a study to estimate the ecosystem services values provided by the forest. Through mapping of the land covers and valuation studies, the values were derived for resident and non-resident populations and organized into four categories: provision, regulation, cultural and support.

Canada’s Wealth of Natural Capital: Rouge National Park

This report estimates the economic value of the ecosystem services provided by the existing Rouge Park, proposed Rouge National Park and its three major surrounding watersheds in the Greater Toronto Area. Using valuation techniques from the field of natural capital economics, the report provides estimates of the economic values of the area’s natural, agricultural and cultural assets.