Approach for reporting on ecosystem services: Incorporating ecosystem services into an organization’s performance disclosure

In cooperation with the United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC) and consultancy CREM, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has been assessing opportunities to translate emerging thinking around ES into sustainability reporting indicators and approaches that can be used as a starting point by organizations in all sectors.

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About Tatiana Koveshnikova

My research interests can be broadly described as economic valuation of ecological benefits, including practical applications. As a project coordinator at CVC I guide research initiatives relating to ecosystem services. Over the past year I was involved in a number of projects at CVC, including ongoing Ecosystem Services and Human Well-being in the Credit River Watershed. Prior to coming to CVC, I was working as a private consultant/research analyst on a number of research projects focusing on the valuation of ecosystem services, non-market valuation and socio-economic dynamic modelling.

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