Building on the success of Grey to Green: A Conference on the Economics of Green Infrastructure in 2013, Green Roofs for Healthy Cities is now planning Grey to Green for 2014. This two-day conference focuses on the health benefits of green infrastructure – for our economy, our ecosystem and our community. Grey to Green will bring together leading edge thinkers and doers across a diverse range of fields which reveal the intersection of health and green infrastructure protection and development.
Designers, engineers, policy makers, developers, utility managers, conservationists, healthcare professionals, horticulturalists, contractors, urban farmers, academics, all share important opportunities to advance the social, economic and ecosystem health of our communities by utilizing living green infrastructure such as urban forests, green roofs and walls, bioswales, rain gardens, meadowlands, and wetlands. Grey to Green will bring to light many of the important scientific, design, economic and policy advancements in the green infrastructure field.
Important advancements have occurred recently in our scientific understanding of the important role that these technologies play, particularly in urban regions, regarding the maintenance of our physical and mental health. With more and more people living in high rise developments, the integration of green infrastructure is becoming increasingly important.
The policy environment with respect to green infrastructure is also rapidly changing, with many jurisdictions in the United States in particular recognizing the multiple benefits of green infrastructure with incentives, regulations and investment. Private sector developers and designers are realizing that the design and development of buildings and sites can have a dramatic impact on the bottom line. Utility managers are looking increasingly to green infrastructure to conserve energy and manage stormwater to prevent flooding and combined sewer overflow events.